CATCHING FIRE, The Hunger Games 2

CATCHING FIRE, The Hunger Games 2

After winning the brutal Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen returns to her district, hoping for a peaceful future. But Katniss starts to hear rumours of a deadly rebellion against the Capitol. A rebellion that she and Peeta have helped to create. As Katniss and Peeta are forced to visit the districts on the Capitol's cruel Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. Unless Katniss and Peeta can convince the world that they are still lost in their love for each other, the consequences will be horrifying. The terrifying sequel to The Hunger Games.
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After winning the brutal Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen returns to her district, hoping for a peaceful future. But Katniss starts to hear rumours of a deadly rebellion against the Capitol. A rebellion that she and Peeta have helped to create. As Katniss and Peeta are forced to visit the districts on the Capitol's cruel Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. Unless Katniss and Peeta can convince the world that they are still lost in their love for each other, the consequences will be horrifying. The terrifying sequel to The Hunger Games.

Ostali komentari

  • Anđela

    Da li se zna možda kada će knjiga ponovo biti štampana? Imam druga dva dela ali ovaj mi fali a jedino izdanje koje sam našla je u jednoj vulkan knjižari blizu Knez Mihajlove, a nažalost je u veoma lošem stanju, pa ne bih da je kupim. Ne volim kada mi kolekcija stoji ne upotpunjena tako da se nadam da će u skorije vreme biti ponovo štampana.

    02.05.2021. 21:18
  • Knjižare Vulkan
    Knjižare Vulkan

    Poštovana, Englesko izdanje serijala Hunger games redovno poručujemo od našeg dobavljača (naravno, ukoliko ga ima na lageru u tom trenutku). Sledeću isporuku očekujemo krajem ovog meseca. Za informacije o ponovnoj dostupnosti možete označiti opciju ''Obavestite me kada proizvod bude dostupan'' kako bi Vam stiglo obaveštenje na mejl.

    03.05.2021. 15:24
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