BRITISH SERBIAN RELATIONS from the 18th to the 21st centuries BRITISH SERBIAN RELATIONS from the 18th to the 21st centuries

BRITISH SERBIAN RELATIONS from the 18th to the 21st centuries

Šifra artikla: 329381
Isbn: 9788674941492
Knjiga British-Serbian Relations from the 18th to the 21stCenturies (Britansko-srpski odnosi od XVIII do XXI veka) predstavlja do sada najpotpuniji tematski zbornik na ovu temu, koji je proizašao iz dve međunarodne konferencije održane u Londonu I Beogradu. Knjigu je uredio Slobodan G. Marković, a priloge su napisali autori s vodećih univerziteta I ustanova u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Mađarskoj I Britaniji, kao što su Univezitet u Beogradu, Balkanološki institut SANU, Londonska škola ekonomije I političkih nauka I Univerzitetski koledž u Londonu. Pored naučnika priloge su napisali I sadašnje I bivše diplomate Srbije I Velike Britanije. Autori su: Čedomir Antić, Saša Knežević, Dejvid Noris, Bojan Aleksov, Zorica Bečanović Nikolić, Slobodan G. Marković, Dragan Bakić, Dušan Babac, Erik Beket Viver, Radmila Radić, Zoran Milutinović, Milan Ristović, Vojislav Pavlović, Ranko Bugarski, Nenad Šebek, Vukašin Pavlović, Boris Hlebec, Vesna Goldsvorti, Katarina Rasulić, Lord Rendal od Aksbridža, amb. Denis Kif, amb. Aleksandra Joksimović, Dejvid Gauen, amb. Branimir Filipović, Kristofer Koker, Spiros Ikonomidis I Džejms Ker-Lindzi.

Knjiga pokriva period od boravka Dositeja Obradovića u Londonu 1784/85. do 2018. Obuhvaćeni su politički, diplomatski I kulturni odnosi dveju zemalja I dvaju naroda u prethodnih preko 230 godina. U prve dve celine obuhvaćene su glavne epizode iz istorije međusobnih političkih I kulturnih odnosa kao što su: Velika istočna kriza, uloga Vilijama Gledstona I Mis Irbijeve, izuzetni odnosi tokom Velikog rata, veze Srpske pravoslavne crkve I Anglikanske crkve, izučavanje Šekspira kod Srba, veze Britanki I Srbije, uloga srpskih anglofila, odnosi Kraljevine Jugoslavije I komunističke Jugoslavije s Velikom Britanijom I odnosi dinastija Vindzor I Karađorđević. U trećem delu obrađena je uloga pojedinih ustanova kao posrednika između dveju kultura, kao što su Katedra za anglistiku Filološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Jugoslovenska I srpska sekcija Bi-Bi-Si-ja I Unija govornika engleskog jezika (English Speaking Union). Tu su I prilozi o saradnji pod međunarodnim sankcijama, pregled englesko-srpskih I srpsko-engleskih rečnika, ali I kako je to biti anglo-srpska književnica. Poslednju celinu čini analiza diplomatskih I političkih odnosa u ΧΧΙ veku koja obuhvata različite aspekte razvijene međusobne saradnje, ali I niz osetljivih tema kao što su kosovsko pitanje, uticaj intervencionizma Ujedinjenih nacija, kao I šire pitanje odnosa Srbije I Zapada.

The book British-Serbian Relations from the 18th to the 21st Centuries is the most comprehensive thematic collection of papers covering this field and is the result of two international conferences held in London and Belgrade. The book has been edited by S. G. Markovich and it features contributions by scholars from leading universities and institutions in the United Kingdom, Serbia, Montenegro and Hungary (London School of Economics, University College London, University of Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy etc.), as well as contributions by current and previous diplomats of Great Britain and Serbia. The authors are: Cedomir Antic, Sasa Knezevic, David Norris, Bojan Aleksov, Zorica Becanovic Nikolic, Slobodan G. Markovich, Dragan Bakic, Dusan Babac, Eric Beckett Weaver, Radmila Radic, Zoran Milutinovic, Milan Ristovic, Vojislav Pavlovic, Ranko Bugarski, Nenad Sebek, Vukasin Pavlovic, Boris Hlebec, Vesna Goldsworthy, Katarina Rasulic, Lord Randall of Uxbridge, Amb. Denis Keefe, Amb. Aleksandra Joksimovic, David Gowan, Amb. Branimir Filipovic, Christopher Coker, Spyros Economides, and James Ker-Lindsay.
The book spans the period from the visit of Dositey Obradovich to London in 1784/85 to 2018. Political, diplomatic and cultural relations of the two nations during the course of more than 230 years have been covered. The first two sections include the main episodes in the history of mutual political and cultural relations such as the Eastern Crisis, the roles of William Gladstone and Miss Irby, extraordinary relations during the Great War, relations of the Church of England and the Serbian Orthodox Church, studies of Shakespeare among Serbs, connection of British women and Serbia, the role of Serbian anglophiles, relations of the United Kingdom with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Communist Yugoslavia, and the relations of the dynasties of Windsor and Karageorgevich. The third section deals with the role of some institutions that have acted as intermediaries between the two cultures, such as the English Department at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, the Yugoslav and Serbian sections of the BBC, and the English Speaking Union. There are also contributions on educational co-operation under international sanctions, a review of English-Serbian and Serbian-English dictionaries, and an essay on what it is like to be an Anglo-Serbian writer. The last section comprises an analysis of diplomatic and political relations in the 21st century covering various aspects of a developed mutual co-operation, but also a series of sensitive issues such as the Kosovo Question, the impact of UN interventionism, and a wider question of Serbia’s relations with the West.
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Knjiga British-Serbian Relations from the 18th to the 21stCenturies (Britansko-srpski odnosi od XVIII do XXI veka) predstavlja do sada najpotpuniji tematski zbornik na ovu temu, koji je proizašao iz dve međunarodne konferencije održane u Londonu I Beogradu. Knjigu je uredio Slobodan G. Marković, a priloge su napisali autori s vodećih univerziteta I ustanova u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Mađarskoj I Britaniji, kao što su Univezitet u Beogradu, Balkanološki institut SANU, Londonska škola ekonomije I političkih nauka I Univerzitetski koledž u Londonu. Pored naučnika priloge su napisali I sadašnje I bivše diplomate Srbije I Velike Britanije. Autori su: Čedomir Antić, Saša Knežević, Dejvid Noris, Bojan Aleksov, Zorica Bečanović Nikolić, Slobodan G. Marković, Dragan Bakić, Dušan Babac, Erik Beket Viver, Radmila Radić, Zoran Milutinović, Milan Ristović, Vojislav Pavlović, Ranko Bugarski, Nenad Šebek, Vukašin Pavlović, Boris Hlebec, Vesna Goldsvorti, Katarina Rasulić, Lord Rendal od Aksbridža, amb. Denis Kif, amb. Aleksandra Joksimović, Dejvid Gauen, amb. Branimir Filipović, Kristofer Koker, Spiros Ikonomidis I Džejms Ker-Lindzi.

Knjiga pokriva period od boravka Dositeja Obradovića u Londonu 1784/85. do 2018. Obuhvaćeni su politički, diplomatski I kulturni odnosi dveju zemalja I dvaju naroda u prethodnih preko 230 godina. U prve dve celine obuhvaćene su glavne epizode iz istorije međusobnih političkih I kulturnih odnosa kao što su: Velika istočna kriza, uloga Vilijama Gledstona I Mis Irbijeve, izuzetni odnosi tokom Velikog rata, veze Srpske pravoslavne crkve I Anglikanske crkve, izučavanje Šekspira kod Srba, veze Britanki I Srbije, uloga srpskih anglofila, odnosi Kraljevine Jugoslavije I komunističke Jugoslavije s Velikom Britanijom I odnosi dinastija Vindzor I Karađorđević. U trećem delu obrađena je uloga pojedinih ustanova kao posrednika između dveju kultura, kao što su Katedra za anglistiku Filološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Jugoslovenska I srpska sekcija Bi-Bi-Si-ja I Unija govornika engleskog jezika (English Speaking Union). Tu su I prilozi o saradnji pod međunarodnim sankcijama, pregled englesko-srpskih I srpsko-engleskih rečnika, ali I kako je to biti anglo-srpska književnica. Poslednju celinu čini analiza diplomatskih I političkih odnosa u ΧΧΙ veku koja obuhvata različite aspekte razvijene međusobne saradnje, ali I niz osetljivih tema kao što su kosovsko pitanje, uticaj intervencionizma Ujedinjenih nacija, kao I šire pitanje odnosa Srbije I Zapada.

The book British-Serbian Relations from the 18th to the 21st Centuries is the most comprehensive thematic collection of papers covering this field and is the result of two international conferences held in London and Belgrade. The book has been edited by S. G. Markovich and it features contributions by scholars from leading universities and institutions in the United Kingdom, Serbia, Montenegro and Hungary (London School of Economics, University College London, University of Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy etc.), as well as contributions by current and previous diplomats of Great Britain and Serbia. The authors are: Cedomir Antic, Sasa Knezevic, David Norris, Bojan Aleksov, Zorica Becanovic Nikolic, Slobodan G. Markovich, Dragan Bakic, Dusan Babac, Eric Beckett Weaver, Radmila Radic, Zoran Milutinovic, Milan Ristovic, Vojislav Pavlovic, Ranko Bugarski, Nenad Sebek, Vukasin Pavlovic, Boris Hlebec, Vesna Goldsworthy, Katarina Rasulic, Lord Randall of Uxbridge, Amb. Denis Keefe, Amb. Aleksandra Joksimovic, David Gowan, Amb. Branimir Filipovic, Christopher Coker, Spyros Economides, and James Ker-Lindsay.
The book spans the period from the visit of Dositey Obradovich to London in 1784/85 to 2018. Political, diplomatic and cultural relations of the two nations during the course of more than 230 years have been covered. The first two sections include the main episodes in the history of mutual political and cultural relations such as the Eastern Crisis, the roles of William Gladstone and Miss Irby, extraordinary relations during the Great War, relations of the Church of England and the Serbian Orthodox Church, studies of Shakespeare among Serbs, connection of British women and Serbia, the role of Serbian anglophiles, relations of the United Kingdom with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Communist Yugoslavia, and the relations of the dynasties of Windsor and Karageorgevich. The third section deals with the role of some institutions that have acted as intermediaries between the two cultures, such as the English Department at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, the Yugoslav and Serbian sections of the BBC, and the English Speaking Union. There are also contributions on educational co-operation under international sanctions, a review of English-Serbian and Serbian-English dictionaries, and an essay on what it is like to be an Anglo-Serbian writer. The last section comprises an analysis of diplomatic and political relations in the 21st century covering various aspects of a developed mutual co-operation, but also a series of sensitive issues such as the Kosovo Question, the impact of UN interventionism, and a wider question of Serbia’s relations with the West.
Karakteristika Vrednost
Kategorija ISTORIJA
Autor Slobodan G. Marković
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
Pismo Latinica
Povez Tvrd

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